Applications included in apps
repo should be documented here. This should
also include information on how to create a given application.
NuttX ships a large number of applications covering a wide spectrum of functionality. These can be found in the apps repository.
- Audio Utility libraries
- Bootloader Utilities
- Benchmark Applications
CACHE Speed Testcoremark-pro
CoreMark BenchmarkCyclictest
benchmark utilityDhrystone
FIO Benchmarkiozone
IOzone, filesystem benchmark toolmtd
MTD test and transfer rate benchmarkosperf
System performance profilingramspeed
RAM Speed Testsuperpi
SuperPI test
- CAN Utilities
SocketCAN candump toolcanlib
CAN utility librarycansend
SocketCAN cansend toollely-canopen
Lely CANopen supportlibcanutils
CAN-utils support librarylibdronecan
libcanard DroneCAN Librarylibobd2
OBD-II Librarylibopencyphal
libcanard OpenCyphal Cyphal/CAN Libraryslcan
SocketCAN slcan tool
- Cryptography Library Support
- File System Utilities
- Games
- Graphics Support
FTDI/BridgeTek FT80x librarylibjpeg
libjpeg JPEG image encodinglibyuv
NuttX Tiny Window Manager (NxWM)pdcurs34
pdcurses Text User Interface (TUI)screenshot
TIFF screenshot utilityslcd
Segment LCD Emulatontiff
TIFF Creation Librarytwm4nx
Tab Window Manager (TWM)
- Industrial Applications
- Inertial Libraries Support
- Interpreters
Bas BASIC Interpreterduktape
Duktape JavaScript interpreterficl
Ficl Forth interpreterlua
Lua interpreterluajit
LuaJIT interpreterminibasic
Mini Basic InterpreterPython
Python interpreterquickjs
QuickJS JavaScript interpretertoywasm
Toywasm Webassembly Runtimewamr
Webassembly Micro Runtimewasm3
WASM3 Webassembly Runtime
- Logging Utilities
- LTE Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
- Math Library Support
- Machine Learning Support
- Network Utilities
Chat toolcjson
cJSON librarycodecs
CODEC Library: Base64 coding, URL coding, MD5cwebsocket
WebSocket Client Librarydhcp6c
DHCPv6 clientdhcpc
DHCP clientdhcpd
DHCP serverdiscover
Network Discovery Utilityesp8266
FTP clientftpd
FTP serveriperf
iptables librarylibcurl4nx
cURL4nx HTTP client librarymqttc
MQTT-C librarynetcat
NetCat toolnetinit
Network initializationnetlib
Network support librarynng
Nanomsg NGntpclient
NTP clientping
ICMP ping supportpppd
PPP serverptpd
PTPD client/serverrexec
Remote execution clientrexecd
Remote Execution Serverrtptools
RTP Toolssmtp
Telnet client librarytelnetd
Telnet server daemontftpc
TFTP clientthttpd
THTTPD webserverwakaama
Eclipse Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m) - LWM2M protocolwakeonlan
WakeOnLAN supportwebclient
uIP web clientwebserver
uIP web serverxmlrpc
XML RPC library
- NuttShell (NSH)
- Software Define Radio Libraries
- System Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
ADB daemon applicationargtable3
ARGTABLE3 librarycdcacm
USB CDC/ACM Device Commandscfgdata
Cfgdata Commandcle
EMACS-like Command Line Editorcomposite
USB Composite Device Commandscoredump
Coredump tool capture system statuscritmon
Critcal Section Monitorcu
CU minimal serial terminaldd
system ‘dd’ commanddebugpoint
Debug Utilitydhcp6c
DHCP IPv6 Address Renewaldhcpc
DHCP Address Renewaldumpstack
dumpstack tool for show the task backtracefastboot
fdt utility toolsflash_eraseall
FLASH Erase-all Commandgcov
gcov toolgdbstub
GNU Profile toolhex2bin
Intel HEX to binary conversionhexed
Hex editorhostname
“hostname” commandi2c
I2C Toolinput
input tooliptables
“iptables” commandlibuv
libuv asynchronous I/O Librarylm75
LM75 Temperaturelzf
LZF compression toolmdio
PHY MDIO toolnetdb
netdb interfacensh
NuttShell (NSH) examplentpc
NTP Daemon Commandsnxcamera
NxCamera video test applicationnxcodec
NxCodec video codec test applicationnxdiag
NuttX Diagnostic Toolnxlooper
NxLooper audio test applicationnxplayer
NxPlayer Media Playernxrecorder
NxRecorder pcm raw data Recorderofloader
Open flash loaderping
ICMP “ping” commandping6
ICMPv6 “ping6” commandpopen
popen()/pclose() Functionspsmq
Publish Subscribe Message Queueptpd
PTP daemon commandsreadline
readline() Supportsched_note
Scheduler monitorsetlogmask
“setlogmask” commandspi
SPI Toolstackmonitor
Stack Monitorsystem
System Commandtaskset
Taskset Commandtcpdump
tcpdump commandtee
Tee Commandtelnet
Telnet chat daemontelnetd
Telnet daemon applicationtermcurses
Terminal Curses control supporttrace
Trace commandubloxmodem
u-blox modem configuration tooluniqueid
“uniqueid” commanduorb
uorb(micro object request broker)usbmsc
USB Mass Storage Device Commandsvi
VI Work-Alike Text Editorymodem
zlib data compression libraryzmodem
Zmodem Commands
- Testing
Arch-specific libc Testatomic
“Test atomic” testingbatterydump
Battery dump for testcmocka
cpuload testcrypto
crypto testcxxtest
C++ test programdrivertest
cmocka driver testfatutf8
FAT UTF8 testfdsantest
vela cmocka fdsan testfmemopen
- fmemopen test toolfopencookie
fopencookie test toolfstest
Generic file system testgetprime
getprime exampleirtest
IR driver testltp
Linux Test Projectmemstress
memory stress testmemtester
Memory management testmonkey
Monkey testmtd_nvs
MTD non-volatile storage Testnand
- NAND Flash Device Simulatornist-sts
NIST Statistical Test Suitenxffs
NXFFS file system exampleopen_memstream
- open_memstream test toolostest
OS testramtest
RAM Testscanftest
sscanf() testsd_bench
SD card or mount point bench testsd_stress
SD card or mount point stress testsensortest
Sensor driver testsetest
Secure Element driver testsmart
SMART File Systemsmart_test
SMART File Systemsmp
SMP exampleuclibcxx_test
uclibcxx testunity
Unity testing framework
- Host Side Tools
- Wireless Libraries and NSH Add-Ons
Bluetooth Swiss Army Knifegs2200m
Telit GS2200M usrsock daemoni8sak
IEEE 802.15.4 Swiss Army Knifei8shark
IEEE 802.15.4 Wireshark adapteripwan
IEEE 802.15.4 Command Line Toollibmac
IEEE 802.15.4 MAC library routinesnimble
Apache NimBLE (BLE host-layer) for NuttXwapi
WAPI (Wireless API)
- Examples