ViewTool STM32F103/F107

This page discusses issues unique to NuttX configurations for the ViewTool STM32F103/F107 V1.2 board. This board may be fitted with either

  • STM32F107VCT6, or

  • STM32F103VCT6

The board is very modular with connectors for a variety of peripherals. Features on the base board include:

  • User and Wake-Up Keys

  • LEDs

See for further information.

User and Wake-Up keys

All pulled high and will be sensed low when depressed.:

SW2 PC11  Needs J42 closed
SW3 PC12  Needs J43 closed
SW4 PA0   Needs J44 closed


There are four LEDs on the ViewTool STM32F103/F107 board that can be controlled by software: LED1 through LED4. All pulled high and can be illuminated by driving the output to low:


These LEDs are not used by the board port unless CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is defined. In that case, the usage by the board port is defined in include/board.h and src/stm32_leds.c. The LEDs are used to encode OS-related events as follows:

SYMBOL            Meaning                      LED state
                                           LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4
----------------- -----------------------  ---- ---- ---- ----
LED_STARTED       NuttX has been started   ON   OFF  OFF  OFF
LED_HEAPALLOCATE  Heap has been allocated  OFF  ON   OFF  OFF
LED_IRQSENABLED   Interrupts enabled       ON   ON   OFF  OFF
LED_STACKCREATED  Idle stack created       OFF  OFF  ON   OFF
LED_INIRQ         In an interrupt          N/C  N/C  N/C  Soft glow
LED_SIGNAL        In a signal handler      N/C  N/C  N/C  Soft glow
LED_ASSERTION     An assertion failed      N/C  N/C  N/C  Soft glow
LED_PANIC         The system has crashed   N/C  N/C  N/C  2Hz Flashing
LED_IDLE          MCU is is sleep mode         Not used

After booting, LED1-3 are not longer used by the system and can be used for other purposes by the application (Of course, all LEDs are available to the application if CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined.

Serial Console

Console Configuration

The NuttX console is configured by default on USART1 at 115200 BAUD 8N1 (8-bits, not parity, one stop bit). These setting can, of course, easily be changed by reconfiguring NuttX.


The boards come with a PL-2303 based USB-to-serial board. Also available as an option is an RS-232 board. Both have the same pin out on a 6-pin connector that mates with the upper row of J5.:

--- ------ ---------------------------
 1   5V    1  POWER Power jumper
 2   GND   3  GND   Ground
 3   TXD   5  RXD1  PA10    USART1_RXD
 4   RXD   7  TXD1  PA9     USART1_TXD
 5   RTS?  9  CTS?  PA12    USART1_RTS
 6   CTS?  11 RTS?  PA11    USART1_CTS

PL-2013 USB-to-Serial Interface

J37 - CON4. Jumper Settings:

1 <-> 3 : Connects PA9 to the RXD1 output pin
2 <-> 4 : Connects PA10 to the TXD1 input pin

J35 - CON2. Jumper Setting:

Open.  the PL2303 adapter receives its power from the USB host.

RS-232 Module

J37 - CON4. Jumper Settings:

1 <-> 3 : Connects PA9 to the RXD1 output pin
2 <-> 4 : Connects PA10 to the TXD1 input pin

J35 - CON2. Jumper Setting:

1 <-> 2 : Proves 3.3V to the RS-232 module.

USB Interface

USB Connector

The Viewtool base board has a USB Mini-B connector. Only USB device can be supported with this connector.:

------------------------- ------------------------------------
       USB Connector
       J10 mini-USB       GPIO CONFIGURATION(s)
--- --------- ----------- ------------------------------------
Pin Signal
--- --------- ----------- ------------------------------------
 1  USB_VBUS  VDD_USB     (No sensing available)
 2  OTG_DM    PA11        GPIO_OTGFS_DM (F107) GPIO_USB_DM (F103)
 3  OTG_DP    PA12        GPIO_OTGFS_DP (F107) GPIO_USB_DP (F103)
 4  OTG_ID    PA10        GPIO_OTGFS_ID (F107)
 5  Shield    N/A         N/A
 6  Shield    N/A         N/A
 7  Shield    N/A         N/A
 8  Shield    N/A         N/A
 9  Shield    N/A         N/A
              PE11 USB_EN   GPIO controlled soft pull-up (if J51 closed)

 1. GPIO_OTGFS_VBUS (F107) should not be configured.  No VBUS sensing
 2. GPIO_OTGFS_SOF (F107) is not used
 3. The OTG FS module has is own, internal soft pull-up logic.  J51 should
    be open so that PE11 activity does effect USB.

STM32F103 Configuration

System Type -> STM32 Peripheral Support:

CONFIG_STM32_USB=y                 : Enable USB FS device

Device Drivers:

CONFIG_USBDEV                      : USB device support

STATUS: All of the code is in place, but no testing has been performed.

STM32F107 Configuration

System Type -> STM32 Peripheral Support:

CONFIG_STM32_OTGFS=y               : Enable OTG FS

Device Drivers:

CONFIG_USBDEV                      : USB device support

STATUS: All of the code is in place, but USB is not yet functional.

CDC/ACM Configuration

This will select the CDC/ACM serial device. Defaults for the other options should be okay.:

Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support
  CONFIG_CDCACM=y                     : Enable the CDC/ACM device

The following setting enables an example that can can be used to control the CDC/ACM device. It will add two new NSH commands:

  1. sercon will connect the USB serial device (creating /dev/ttyACM0), and

  2. serdis which will disconnect the USB serial device (destroying /dev/ttyACM0).

Application Configuration -> Examples:

CONFIG_SYSTEM_CDCACM=y              : Enable an CDC/ACM example

USB MSC Configuration

[WARNING: This configuration has not yet been verified]

The Mass Storage Class (MSC) class driver can be selected in order to export the microSD card to the host computer. MSC support is selected::

Device Drivers -> USB Device Driver Support
  CONFIG_USBMSC=y                       : Enable the USB MSC class driver
  CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKOUT=1             : Use EP1 for the BULK OUT endpoint
  CONFIG_USBMSC_EPBULKIN=2              : Use EP2 for the BULK IN endpoint

The following setting enables an add-on that can can be used to control the USB MSC device. It will add two new NSH commands:

  1. msconn will connect the USB serial device and export the microSD card to the host, and

  2. msdis which will disconnect the USB serial device.

Application Configuration -> System Add-Ons:

CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC=y                : Enable the USBMSC add-on
CONFIG_SYSTEM_USBMSC_DEVMINOR1=0      : Minor device zero
                                      : Use a single, LUN:  The microSD
                                      : block driver.


  1. To prevent file system corruption, make sure that the microSD is un- mounted before exporting the mass storage device to the host:

    nsh> umount /mnt/sdcard
    nsh> mscon

    The microSD can be re-mounted after the mass storage class is disconnected:

    nsh> msdis
    nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/at25

microSD Card Interface

microSD Connector

----------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------
       Connector J17            GPIO CONFIGURATION(s)
PIN SIGNAL        LEGEND          (no remapping)                 DP83848C Board
--- ------------- ----------- ------------------------- --------------------------------
1   VDD 3.3       N/A         N/A                       3.3
2   GND           N/A         N/A                       GND
3   PC8           SDIO_D0     GPIO_SDIO_D0              D0
4   PD2           SDIO_CMD    GPIO_SDIO_CMD             CMD
5   PC12          SDIO_CLK    GPIO_SDIO_CK              CLK
6   PC11          SDIO_D3     GPIO_SDIO_D3              D3
7   PC10          SDIO_D2     GPIO_SDIO_D2              D2
8   PC9           SDIO_D1     GPIO_SDIO_D1              D1
9   PA8           CD          Board-specific GPIO input CD
--- ------------- ----------- ------------------------- --------------------------------

1. The STM32F107 does not support the SDIO/memory card interface.  So the SD card
   cannot be used with the STM32F107 (unless the pin-out just happens to match up
   with an SPI-based card interface???)

Configuration (STM32F103 only)

[WARNING: This configuration has not yet been verified]

Enabling SDIO-based MMC/SD support:

System Type->STM32 Peripheral Support
  CONFIG_STM32_SDIO=y                   : Enable SDIO support
  CONFIG_STM32_DMA2=y                   : DMA2 is needed by the driver

Device Drivers -> MMC/SD Driver Support
  CONFIG_MMCSD=y                        : Enable MMC/SD support
  CONFIG_MMSCD_NSLOTS=1                 : One slot per driver instance
  CONFIG_MMCSD_HAVE_CARDDETECT=y         : Supports card-detect PIOs
  CONFIG_MMCSD_MMCSUPPORT=n             : Interferes with some SD cards
  CONFIG_MMCSD_SPI=n                    : No SPI-based MMC/SD support
  CONFIG_MMCSD_SDIO=y                   : SDIO-based MMC/SD support
  CONFIG_SDIO_DMA=y                     : Use SDIO DMA
  CONFIG_SDIO_BLOCKSETUP=y              : Needs to know block sizes

Library Routines
  CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y              : Driver needs work queue support

Application Configuration -> NSH Library
  CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y                 : NSH board-initialization

Using the SD card

1) After booting, an SDIO device will appear as /dev/mmcsd0

2) If you try mounting an SD card with nothing in the slot, the
   mount will fail:

     nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/mmcsd1 /mnt/sd1
     nsh: mount: mount failed: 19

STATUS:  All of the code is in place, but no testing has been performed.

ViewTool DP83848 Ethernet Module

Ethernet Connector


System Type -> STM32 Peripheral Support:

CONFIG_STM32_ETHMAC=y                  : Enable Ethernet driver

System Type -> Ethernet MAC Configuration:

CONFIG_STM32_RMII=y                    : Configuration RM-II DP83848C PHY

Device Drivers -> Networking Devices:

CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y                    : More PHY stuff

Networking (required):

CONFIG_NET=y                           : Enabled networking support

Networking (recommended/typical):


CONFIG_NET_ETH_PKTSIZE=650             : Maximum packet size

CONFIG_NET_TCP=y                       : TCP support

CONFIG_NET_UDP=y                       : UDP support

CONFIG_NET_ICMP=y                      : ICMP support

CONFIG_NSH_DRIPADDR=0x0a000001         : Network identity

Network Utilities (basic):

CONFIG_NETUTILS_TFTPC=y                : Needed by NSH unless to disable TFTP commands
CONFIG_NETUTILS_DHCPC=y                : Fun stuff
CONFIG_NETUTILS_TELNETD=y              : Support for a Telnet NSH console

(also FTP, TFTP, WGET, NFS, etc. if you also have a mass storage

Freescale MPL115A barometer sensor

This board support package includes hooks that can be used to enable testing of a Freescale MPL115A barometer sensor connected via SPI3 with chip select on PB6,

Here are the configuration settings that would have to be included to enabled support for the barometer:

System Type -> Peripherals

Drivers -> SPI

Drivers -> Sensors

Note: this driver uses SPI3 then since PB3 pin is also use to JTAG TDO you need to disable JTAG support to get this driver working:

System Type

LCD/Touchscreen Interface

An LCD may be connected via J11. Only the STM32F103 supports the FSMC signals needed to drive the LCD.

The LCD features an (1) HY32D module with built-in SSD1289 LCD controller, and (a) a XPT2046 touch screen controller.

LCD Connector


----------------------------- ------------------------ --------------------------------
       Connector J11           GPIO CONFIGURATION(s)
PIN SIGNAL        LEGEND          (F103 only)                   LCD Module
--- ------------- ----------- ------------------------ --------------------------------
1   VDD_5         NC          N/A                      5V      ---
2   GND           GND         N/A                      GND     ---
3   PD14          DATA0       GPIO_NPS_D0              D0      HY32D
4   PD15          DATA1       GPIO_NPS_D1              D1      HY32D
5   PD0           DATA2       GPIO_NPS_D2              D2      HY32D
6   PD1           DATA3       GPIO_NPS_D3              D3      HY32D
7   PE7           DATA4       GPIO_NPS_D4              D4      HY32D
8   PE8           DATA5       GPIO_NPS_D5              D5      HY32D
9   PE9           DATA6       GPIO_NPS_D6              D6      HY32D
10  PE10          DATA7       GPIO_NPS_D7              D7      HY32D
11  PE11          DATA8       GPIO_NPS_D8              D8      HY32D
12  PE12          DATA9       GPIO_NPS_D9              D9      HY32D
13  PE13          DATA10      GPIO_NPS_D10             D10     HY32D
14  PE14          DATA11      GPIO_NPS_D11             D11     HY32D
15  PE15          DATA12      GPIO_NPS_D12             D12     HY32D
16  PD8           DATA13      GPIO_NPS_D13             D13     HY32D
17  PD9           DATA14      GPIO_NPS_D14             D14     HY32D
18  PD10          DATA15      GPIO_NPS_D15             D15     HY32D
19  (3)           LCD_CS      GPIO_NPS_NE1             CS      HY32D
20  PD11          LCD_RS      GPIO_NPS_A16             RS      HY32D
21  PD5           LCD_R/W     GPIO_NPS_NWE             WR      HY32D
22  PD4           LCD_RD      GPIO_NPS_NOE             RD      HY32D
23  PB1           LCD_RESET   (GPIO)                   RESET   HY32D
24  N/C           NC          N/A                      TE      (unused?)
25  VDD_3.3       BL_VCC      N/A                      BLVDD   CA6219 (Drives LCD backlight)
26  GND           BL_GND      N/A                      BLGND   CA6219
27  PB0           BL_PWM      GPIO_TIM3_CH3OUT(2)      BL_CNT  CA6219
28  PC5           LCDTP_IRQ   (GPIO)                   TP_IRQ  XPT2046
29  PC4           LCDTP_CS    (GPIO)                   TP_CS   XPT2046
30  PB13          LCDTP_CLK   GPIO_SPI2_SCK            TP_SCK  XPT2046
31  PB15          LCDTP_DIN   GPIO_SPI2_MOSI           TP_SI   XPT2046
32  PB14          LCDTP_DOUT  GPIO_SPI2_MISO           TP_SO   XPT2046
33  VDD_3.3       VDD_3.3     N/A                      3.3V    ---
34  GND           GND         N/A                      GND     ---
--- ------------- ----------- ------------------------ --------------------------------

1) Only the F103 version of the board supports the FSMC
2) No remap
3) LCD_CS is controlled by J13 JUMPER4 (under the LCD unfortunately):

   1->2 : PD7 (GPIO_NPS_NE1) enables the multiplexor  : 1E\ enable input (active LOW)
   3->4 : PD13 provides 1A0 input (1A1 is grounded).  : 1A0 address input
          So will chip enable to either LCD_CS or
   5->6 : 1Y0 output to LCD_CS                        : 1Y0 address output
   7->8 : 1Y1 output to Flash_CE                      : 1Y1 address output

   Truth Table:
   1E\ 1A0 1A1 1Y0 1Y1
   --- --- --- --- ---
   HI  N/A N/A HI  HI
   LO  LO  LO  LO  HI
   LO  HI  LO  HI  LO

FT80x Integration

I have used the ViewTool F107 for initial testing of the three displays based on FTDI/BridgeTek FT80x GUIs:

Haoyu 5”

I purchased a Haoyu 5” FT800 display on eBay. Pin out and board connectivity is as follows:

2x5 Connector J2 using SPI1:
 1   5V     J18 Pin  2              2   GND    J8 Pin  8
 3   SCK    J8  Pin 11  PA5/SCK1    4   MISO   J8 Pin  9  PA6/MISO1
 5   MOSI   J8  Pin 10  PA7/MOSI1   6   CS     J8 Pin 12  PA4/NSS1
 7   INT    J18 Pin  8  PA1         8   PD     J18 Pin 6  PC5
 9   AUDIO-L                       10   GND

2x5 Connector J2 using SPI2:
 1   5V     J18 Pin  2              2   GND    J8  Pin 2
 3   SCK    J8  Pin  5  PB13/SCK2   4   MISO   J8  Pin 3  PB14/MISO2
 5   MOSI   J8  Pin  4  PB15/MOSI2  6   CS     J8  Pin 6  PB12/NSS2
 7   INT    J18 Pin  8  PA1         8   PD     J18 Pin 6  PC5
 9   AUDIO-L                       10   GND    J18 Pin 4

The Haoyu display has no audio amplifier on board;  Output is raw PWM

GPIO0 and MODE are pulled low meaning that SPI is the default interface
with slave address bit 0 = 0.  GPIO1 is not connected.

This display should have:


MikroElektronkia ConnectEVE FT800


2x5 Connector CN2 using SPI1:
---- ------ ----------- ---------- ---- ------ ---------- ----------
---- ------ ----------- ---------- ---- ------ ---------- ----------
 1   PD#    J18 Pin 6   PC5         2   INT#   J18 Pin  8 PA1
 3   CS#    J8  Pin 12  PA4/NSS1    4   SCK    8   Pin 11 PA5/SCK1
 5   MISO   J8  Pin  9  PA6/MISO1   6   MOSI   J8  Pin 10 PA7/MOSI1
 7   N/C                            8   N/C
 9   3.3V   J8  Pin 7              10   GND    J8  Pin  8

2x5 Connector CN2 using SPI2:
---- ------ ----------- ---------- ---- ------ ---------- ----------
---- ------ ----------- ---------- ---- ------ ---------- ----------
 1   PD#    J18 Pin 6   PC5         2   INT#   J18 Pin  8 PA1
 3   CS#    J8  Pin 6   PB12/NSS2   4   SCK    J8  Pin  5 PB13/SCK2
 5   MISO   J8  Pin 3   PB14/MISO2  6   MOSI   J8  Pin  4 PB15/MOSI2
 7   N/C                            8   N/C
 9   3.3V   J8  Pin 1              10   GND    J8  Pin  2

1x10 Connector CN3 using SPI1:
---- ------ ----------- -----------
---- ------ ----------- -----------
 1   CS#    J8  Pin 12  PA4/NSS1
 2   SCK    J8  Pin 11  PA5/SCK1
 3   MISO   J8  Pin  9  PA6/MISO1
 4   MOSI   J8  Pin 10  PA7/MOSI1
 5   INT#   J18 Pin  8  PA1
 6   PD#    J18 Pin  6  PC5
 7   AUDIO+
 8   AUDIO-
 9   3.3V   J8  Pin 7
10   GND    J8  Pin 8

1x10 Connector CN3 using SPI2:
---- ------ ----------- -----------
---- ------ ----------- -----------
 1   CS#    J8  Pin  6  PB12/NSS2
 2   SCK    J8  Pin  5  PB13/SCK2
 3   MISO   J8  Pin  3  PB14/MISO2
 4   MOSI   J8  Pin  4  PB15/MOSI2
 5   INT#   J18 Pin  8  PA1
 6   PD#    J18 Pin  6  PC5
 7   AUDIO+
 8   AUDIO-
 9   3.3V   J8  Pin 1
10   GND    J8  Pin 2

Configurations using FT80x should not enable Ethernet, CAN2 or LED
support.  The LCD connector, J28 pin 9,  and the upper row of J18 are
also assumed to be unused:

J8 upper row (SPI2) conflicts:

  Pin  2 PB14 also used by LCD
  Pin  4 PB15 also used by LCD
  Pin  5 PB13 also used by Ethernet, CAN2, LCD and LED4
  Pin  6 PB12 also used by Ethernet, CAN2, J28 pin 9, and LED3

J8 lower row (SPI1) conflicts:

  Pin  9 PA6 also used by J8 pin 9 and LED1
  Pin 10 PA7 also used Ethernet
  Pin 11 PA5 also used by J8 pin 7
  Pin 12 PA4 also used by J8 pin 5 (J8 pin 5 not used)

J18 upper row is not used in this configuration.  Cannot be used with
SPI1.  Not used with SPI2 because SPI2 has the same conflicts as the
lower row so why bother?

  Pin  5 PA4 also used by SPI1/NSS1
  Pin  7 PA5 also used by SPI1/SCK1
  Pin  9 PA6 also used by SPI1/MOSI1 and LED1

J18 lower row conflicts:

  Pin  6 PC5 also used by Ethernet and the LCD interface
  Pin  8 PA1 also used by Ethernet
  Pin 10 PA0 also used by Ethernet and Wake-up button (not used)

Remapped SPI1 pins are not supported, but that would permit these options:

  PA15/NSS1 also used by LCD
  PB3/SCK1  also used by USART1 and JTAG
  PB4/MISO1 also used by JTAG
  PB5/MOSI1 also used by USART1, Ethernet, and J28 pin 10

There is a LM4864 audio amplifier on board so audio outputs are ready for
use with a small 1W 8Ohm speaker.    GPIO0 should be configured as an
output because it is used to control the shutdown pin of the LM4864 audio

GPIO0 is not connected.

This display should have:


Reverdi RVT43ULFNWC01

I used this FT801 board with a 20 pin breakout module.

2x10 Connector CN2 using SPI1:
---- --------- ----------- ----------- ---- --------- ----------- -----------
---- --------- ----------- ----------- ---- --------- ----------- -----------
  1  VDD       J8  Pin  7 *             2  GND        J8  Pin  8
  3  SPI_CLK   J8  Pin 11  PA5/SCK1     4  MISO       J8  Pin  9  PA6/MISO1
  5  MOSI/IO1  J8  Pin 10  PA7/MOSI1    6  CS         J8  Pin 12  PA4/NSS1
  7  INT       J18 Pin  8  PA1          8  PD         J18 Pin  6  PC5
  9  NC        N/C                     10  AUDIO OUT  N/C
 11  GPIO0/IO2 N/C                     12  GPIO0/IO3  N/C
 13  GPIO2     N/C                     14  GPIO3      N/C
 15  NC        N/C                     16  NC         N/C
 17  BLVDD     N/C **                  18  BLVDD      N/C **
 19  BLGND     N/C **                  20  BLGND      N/C **

2x10 Connector CN2 using SPI2:
---- --------- ----------- ----------- ---- --------- ----------- -----------
---- --------- ----------- ---------- ---- --------- ----------- ------------
  1  VDD       J8  Pin  1 *             2  GND        J8  Pin  2
  3  SPI_CLK   J8  Pin  5  PB13/SCK2    4  MISO       J8  Pin  3  PB14/MISO2
  5  MOSI/IO1  J8  Pin  4  PB15/MOSI2   6  CS         J8  Pin  6  PB12/NSS2
  7  INT       J18 Pin  8  PA1          8  PD         J18 Pin  6  PC5
  9  NC        N/C                     10  AUDIO OUT  N/C
 11  GPIO0/IO2 N/C                     12  GPIO0/IO3  N/C
 13  GPIO2     N/C                     14  GPIO3      N/C
 15  NC        N/C                     16  NC         N/C
 17  BLVDD     N/C **                  18  BLVDD      N/C **
 19  BLGND     N/C **                  20  BLGND      N/C **

*  0.0-4.0V
** May be connected to VDD, 0.0-7.0V

   I did not see a backlight without BLVDD or BLGND connected.  Possibly
   this depends on the 3.3V current provided by the board?  Obvious
   connections would be J18 pins 2 and 4.

This display should have:


MAX3421E Integration

Board Connections


USBHostShield-v13 (See schematic).

DuinoFun UHS mini v2.0.  No schematics available.  This is how the pins
are labeled:

   INT                                                 MAX_RST
    o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o
    o     o     o     o     o

    o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o     o
    SS   CLK*  MISO  MOSI*                         VCC         GND**

*  NOTE:  There is a error in the silkscreen:  The pin labeled CLK is
   actually MOSI; the pin labeled MOSI is the clock
** Not labeled

Using SPI1 on J8 pins 7-12, discretes on J18

  ------ ----------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------------
  NAME   VIEWTOOL    STM32       USBHostShield-v13  DuinoFun UHS mini v2.0
  ------ ----------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------------
  CS#    J8  Pin 12  PA4/NSS1    D10                SS
  SCK    J8  Pin 11  PA5/SCK1    D13                CLK (label MOSI)
  MISO   J8  Pin  9  PA6/MISO1   D12                MISO
  MOSI   J8  Pin 10  PA7/MOSI1   D11                MOSI (label CLK)
  INT#   J18 Pin 10  PA0         D9                 INT
  RST#   J18 Pin  8  PA1         D7                 MAX_RST
  GPX    J18 Pin  6  PC5         D8                 GPX (not used)
  VBUS   J18 Pin  2  5V          VIN                V_BUS
  3.3V   J8  Pin  7              N/C                VCC
  GND    J8  Pin  8              GND                GND (no label)

Using SPI2 on J8 pins 1-6, discretes on J18

  ------ ----------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------------
  NAME   VIEWTOOL    STM32       USBHostShield-v13 DuinoFun UHS mini v2.0
  ------ ----------- ----------- ------------------ ----------------------
  CS#    J8  Pin  6  PB12/NSS2   D10                SS
  SCK    J8  Pin  5  PB13/SCK2   D13                CLK (label MOSI)
  MISO   J8  Pin  3  PB14/MISO2  D12                MISO
  MOSI   J8  Pin  4  PB15/MOSI2  D11                MOSI (label CLK)
  INT#   J18 Pin 10  PA0         D9                 INT
  RST#   J18 Pin  8  PA1         D7                 MAX_RST
  GPX    J18 Pin  6  PC5         D8                 GPX (not used)
  VBUS   J18 Pin  2  5V          VIN                V_BUS
  3.3V   J8  Pin  1              N/C                VCC
  GND    J8  Pin  2              GND                GND (no label)

5V VBUS power is also needed.  This might be directly connected to the USB
host connector (as assumed here), or switched via additional logic.  Then
GPX pin might also be necessary if VBUS detect is used with self-powered

Configuration Options
These options have to be added to the basic NSH configuration in order to
support the MAX3421E:

  CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y         # EXPERIMENTAL required for now (might change)
  CONFIG_NSH_ARCHINIT=y         # Board level initialization required
  CONFIG_STM32_SPI1=y           # SPI for the MAX3421E (could use SPI2)
  CONFIG_USBHOST=y              # General USB host support
  CONFIG_USBHOST_ISOC_DISABLE=y # Does not support Isochronous endpoints
  CONFIG_USBHOST_MAX3421E=y     # MAX3421E support
  CONFIG_USBHOST_MSC=y          # USB MSC class

Using SPI1:

  # CONFIG_VIEWTOOL_MAX3421E_PWR is not set

Settings not listed above can be left at their default values.


NOTE about Windows native toolchains

There are several limitations to using a Windows based toolchain in a Cygwin environment. The three biggest are:

  1. The Windows toolchain cannot follow Cygwin paths. Path conversions are performed automatically in the Cygwin makefiles using the ‘cygpath’ utility but you might easily find some new path problems. If so, check out ‘cygpath -w’

  2. Windows toolchains cannot follow Cygwin symbolic links. Many symbolic links are used in NuttX (e.g., include/arch). The make system works around these problems for the Windows tools by copying directories instead of linking them. But this can also cause some confusion for you: For example, you may edit a file in a “linked” directory and find that your changes had no effect. That is because you are building the copy of the file in the “fake” symbolic directory. If you use aWindows toolchain, you should get in the habit of making like this:

    make clean_context all

    An alias in your .bashrc file might make that less painful.


Information Common to All Configurations

Each SAM3U-EK configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow:

tools/ viewtool-stm32f107:<subdir>

Before starting the build, make sure that your PATH environment variable includes the correct path to your toolchain.

And then build NuttX by simply typing the following. At the conclusion of the make, the nuttx binary will reside in an ELF file called, simply, nuttx.:


The <subdir> that is provided above as an argument to the tools/ must be is one of the following.


1. These configurations use the mconf-based configuration tool.  To
  change any of these configurations using that tool, you should:

  a. Build and install the kconfig-mconf tool.  See nuttx/README.txt
     see additional README.txt files in the NuttX tools repository.

  b. Execute 'make menuconfig' in nuttx/ in order to start the
     reconfiguration process.

2. Unless stated otherwise, all configurations generate console
   output on USART1.

3. Unless otherwise stated, the configurations are setup for
   Cygwin under Windows:

   Build Setup:
     CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y                   : Windows operating system
     CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y                 : POSIX environment under windows

4. All of these configurations use the ARM EABI GCC toolchain for Windows
   (unless stated otherwise in the description of the configuration).  That
   toolchain selection can easily be reconfigured using 'make menuconfig'.
   Here are the relevant current settings:

   System Type -> Toolchain:
     CONFIG_ARM_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABI=y      : GNU EABI toolchain for Windows

   See also the "NOTE about Windows native toolchains" in the section call
   "GNU Toolchain Options" above.

4. These configurations all assume that the STM32F107VCT6 is mounted on
   board.  This is configurable; you can select the STM32F103VCT6 as an

5. These configurations all assume that you are loading code using
   something like the ST-Link v2 JTAG.  None of these configurations are
   setup to use the DFU bootloader but should be easily reconfigured to
   use that bootloader if so desired.

Configuration Sub-directories


This configuration was added in order to verify the FTDI/Bridgetick Ft80x driver using apps/examples/ft80x with apps/graphics/ft80x. It is very similar to the NSH configuration with support for the FTDI FT80x LCD enabled on SPI1.

This configuration is properly setup for the MikroElektronika ConnectEVE LCD. To use the Reverdi FT801 LCD, the following changes would be required to the configuration:



2018-03-09: The ConnectEVE display is basically working. There are

some specific issues with some of the demos in apps/examples/ft80x that still need to be addressed. I have the Riverdi display FT801 display in hand as well, but have not tested with the display yet.

I have seen issues also where the board does not recover after a reset. It required a full power cycle to get functionality back. This is not too surprising since there is no reset signal to the FT80x (there is power down/up). It might be necessary to perform a software reset of the FT80x during initialization.

1028-03-10: Most of issues have been worked out in the FT80x demos

and the driver appears 100% functional.


This configuration directory provide the NuttShell (NSH) with networking support.

  1. This configuration will work only on the version the viewtool board with the STM32F107VCT6 installed. If you have a board with the STM32F103VCT6 installed, please use the nsh configuration described below.

  2. There is no PHY on the base viewtool stm32f107 board. You must also have the “ViewTool DP83848 Ethernet Module” installed on J2 in order to support networking.

  3. Since networking is enabled, you will see some boot-up delays when the network connection is established. These delays can be quite large if no network is attached (A production design to bring up the network asynchronously to avoid these start up delays).

  4. This configuration uses the default USART1 serial console. That is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as the console device.

  5. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows- native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery toolchain). Both the build environment and the toolchain selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring:

    CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y : Windows operating system CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y : POSIX environment under Windows CONFIG_ARM_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABI=y : GNU EABI toolchain for Windows

  6. USB support is disabled by default. See the section above entitled, “USB Interface”


This configuration directory provide the basic NuttShell (NSH).


1. This configuration will work with either the version of the board
   with STM32F107VCT6 or STM32F103VCT6 installed.  The default
   configuration is for the STM32F107VCT6.  To use this configuration
   with a STM32F103VCT6, it would have to be modified as follows:

  System Type -> STM32 Configuration Options

2. This configuration uses the default USART1 serial console.  That
   is easily changed by reconfiguring to (1) enable a different
   serial peripheral, and (2) selecting that serial peripheral as
   the console device.

3. By default, this configuration is set up to build on Windows
   under either a Cygwin or MSYS environment using a recent, Windows-
   native, generic ARM EABI GCC toolchain (such as the CodeSourcery
   toolchain).  Both the build environment and the toolchain
   selection can easily be changed by reconfiguring:

   CONFIG_HOST_WINDOWS=y                   : Windows operating system
   CONFIG_WINDOWS_CYGWIN=y                 : POSIX environment under Windows
   CONFIG_ARM_TOOLCHAIN_GNU_EABI=y      : GNU EABI toolchain for Windows

4. USB support is disabled by default.  See the section above entitled,
   "USB Interface"

3. This configured can be re-configured to use either the Viewtool LCD
   module. NOTE:  The LCD module can only be used on the STM32F103 version
   of the board.  The LCD requires FSMC support.

      System Type -> STM32 Chip Selection:
        CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_STM32F103VC=y      : Select STM32F103VCT6

      System Type -> Peripherals:
        CONFIG_STM32_FSMC=y                   : Enable FSMC LCD interface

      Device Drivers -> LCD Driver Support
        CONFIG_LCD=y                          : Enable LCD support
        CONFIG_NX_LCDDRIVER=y                 : LCD graphics device
        CONFIG_LCD_LANDSCAPE=y                : Landscape orientation
        CONFIG_LCD_SSD1289=y                  : Select the SSD1289

      Graphics Support

      Graphics Support -> Supported Pixel Depths
        CONFIG_NX_DISABLE_1BPP=y              : Only 16BPP supported

      Graphics Support -> Font Selections

      Application Configuration -> Examples

   STATUS: Not working; reads 0x8999 as device ID.  This may perhaps
           be due to incorrect jumper settings

6. This configuration has been used for verifying the touchscreen on
   on the Viewtool LCD module.  NOTE:  The LCD module can really only
   be used on the STM32F103 version of the board.  The LCD requires
   FSMC support (the touchscreen, however, does not but the touchscreen
   is not very meaningful with no LCD).

      System Type -> STM32 Chip Selection:
       CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_STM32F103VC=y    : Select STM32F103VCT6

   With the following modifications, you can include the touchscreen
   test program at apps/examples/touchscreen as an NSH built-in
   application.  You can enable the touchscreen and test by modifying
   the default configuration in the following ways:

      Device Drivers
        CONFIG_SPI=y                       : Enable SPI support
        CONFIG_SPI_EXCHANGE=y              : The exchange() method is supported

        CONFIG_INPUT=y                     : Enable support for input devices
        CONFIG_INPUT_ADS7843E=y            : Enable support for the XPT2046
        CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIDEV=2           : Use SPI2 for communication
        CONFIG_ADS7843E_SPIMODE=0          : Use SPI mode 0
        CONFIG_ADS7843E_FREQUENCY=1000000  : SPI BAUD 1MHz
        CONFIG_ADS7843E_SWAPXY=y           : If landscape orientation
        CONFIG_ADS7843E_THRESHX=51         : These will probably need to be tuned

      System Type -> Peripherals:
        CONFIG_STM32_SPI2=y                : Enable support for SPI2

      Library Support:
        CONFIG_SCHED_WORKQUEUE=y           : Work queue support required

      Application Configuration:
        CONFIG_EXAMPLES_TOUCHSCREEN=y      : Enable the touchscreen built-int test

      Defaults should be okay for related touchscreen settings.  Touchscreen
      debug output on USART1 can be enabled with:

      Build Setup:
        CONFIG_DEBUG_FEATURES=y            : Enable debug features
        CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y                : Enable verbose debug output
        CONFIG_DEBUG_INPUT=y               : Enable debug output from input devices

   STATUS: Working


This configuration was used to verify the NuttX high priority, nested interrupt feature. This is a board-specific test and probably not of much interest now other than for reference.

This configuration targets the viewtool board with the STM32F103VCT6


The tcpblaster example derives from the nettest example and basically duplicates that application when the nettest PERFORMANCE option is selected. tcpblaster has a little better reporting of performance stats, however.

This configuration derives directly from the netnsh configuration and most of the notes there should apply equally here.

General usage instructions: 1. On the host:

  1. cd to apps/examples/tcpblaster

  2. Run the host tcpserver[.exe] program that was built in that directory

  1. On the target:

    1. Run the tcpclient built in application.

  2. When you get tire of watch the numbers scroll by, just kill the tcpserver on the host.