OS Components
NuttX is very feature-rich RTOS and is thus composed of various different subsystems. The following sections explain how each of these main RTOS components work and can be used. For detailed documentation on the specific API used in this case, you can head to the reference.
- Binary Loader
- Device Drivers
- NX Graphics Subsystem
- On-Demand Paging
- Audio Subsystem
- NuttX File System
- NuttX libraries
- Network Support
- Memory Management
- Syscall Layer
Host Tools- cmpconfig.c
- Config.mk
- checkpatch.sh
- configure.sh configure.bat configure.c, cfgparser.c, and cfgparser.h
- convert-comments.c
- detab.c
- discover.py
- gencromfs.c
- initialconfig.c
- kconfig2html.c
- Libraries.mk, FlatLibs.mk, ProtectedLibs.mk, and KernelLib.mk
- lowhex.c
- Makefile.[unix|win]
- mkconfig.c, cfgdefine.c, and cfgdefine.h
- mkconfigvars.sh
- mkexport.sh and Export.mk
- mkfsdata.pl
- mkversion.c, cfgdefine.c, and cfgdefine.h
- mksyscall.c, cvsparser.c, and cvsparser.h
- mksymtab.c, cvsparser.c, and cvsparser.h
- mkctags.sh
- nxstyle.c
- pic32mx
- bdf-convert.c
- define.sh and define.bat
- flash_writer.py
- ide_exporter.py
- incdir.sh, incdir.bat, and incdir.c
- indent.sh
- kconfig.bat
- link.sh, link.bat, copydir.sh, copydir.bat, unlink.sh, and unlink.bat
- Makefile.host
- mkromfsimg.sh
- mkdeps.c, cnvwindeps.c, mkwindeps.sh, and mknulldeps.sh
- netusb.sh
- refresh.sh
- rmcr.c
- sethost.sh
- simhostroute.sh
- simbridge.sh
- showsize.sh
- testbuild.sh
- uncrustify.cfg
- zds
- zipme.sh
- Architecture-Specific Code
- Boards Support
- CMake Support
- OpenAMP Support
- Video Subsystem
- Crypto API Subsystem
- Wireless Subsystem