Zilog eZ80 Acclaim!

Zilog eZ80Acclaim! Microcontroller. There are four eZ80Acclaim! ports:

  • The ZiLOG ez80f0910200kitg development kit.

  • The ZiLOG ez80f0910200zcog-d development kit.

  • The MakerLisp CPU board.

  • The Z20x DIY computing system.

All three boards are based on the eZ80F091 part and all use the Zilog ZDS-II Windows command line tools. The development environment is either Windows native or Cygwin or MSYS2 under Windows.

It is also possible to compile using clang and the GNU binutils toolchain. You must have a variant of clang that supports the eZ80, and an install of binutils built with Z80 support.

clang with eZ80 support is available as part of the Texas Instruments CE 85+ unofficial toolchain <https://ce-programming.github.io/toolchain/> and requires a further patch <https://github.com/codebje/ez80-toolchain/tree/master/clang> to support GNU assembler syntax.

GNU binutils supports the Z80 family. It will require compilation with appropriate configuration to enable support.

C intrinsics are also required. Some may be found in the Zilog ZDS-II distribution, requiring some modification to build with the GNU assembler. Additional intrinsics for 64-bit support must be supplied.

Supported Boards