PWM Drivers

For the purposes of this driver, a PWM device is any device that generates periodic output pulses of controlled frequency and pulse width. Such a device might be used, for example, to perform pulse-width modulated output or frequency/pulse-count modulated output (such as might be needed to control a stepper motor).

The NuttX PWM driver is split into two parts:

  1. An “upper half”, generic driver that provides the common PWM interface to application level code, and

  2. A “lower half”, platform-specific driver that implements the low-level timer controls to implement the PWM functionality.

Files supporting PWM can be found in the following locations:

  • Interface Definition. The header file for the NuttX PWM driver reside at include/nuttx/timers/pwm.h. This header file includes both the application level interface to the PWM driver as well as the interface between the “upper half” and “lower half” drivers. The PWM module uses a standard character driver framework. However, since the PWM driver is a device control interface and not a data transfer interface, the majority of the functionality available to the application is implemented in driver ioctl calls.

  • “Upper Half” Driver. The generic, “upper half” PWM driver resides at drivers/timers/pwm.c.

  • “Lower Half” Drivers. Platform-specific PWM drivers reside in arch/<architecture>/src/<hardware> directory for the specific processor <architecture> and for the specific <chip> PWM peripheral devices.

Application Level Interface

The first necessary thing to be done in order to use the PWM driver in an application is to include the header file for the NuttX timer driver. It contains the Application Level Interface to the PWM driver. To do so, include:

#include <nuttx/timers/pwm.h>

PWM driver is registered as a POSIX character device file into /dev namespace. It is necessary to open the device to get a file descriptor for further operations.

The PWM is accessed only through ioctl interface, functions read and write does not have any affect. Following ioctl commands are available:


The PWMIOC_SETCHARACTERISTICS command sets PWM characteristics such as frequency, duty cycle, dead times and so on. These characteristics are set through pwm_info_s structure.

struct pwm_info_s
struct pwm_info_s
   /* Frequency of the pulse train */
   uint32_t           frequency;
   /* Per-channel output state */
   struct pwm_chan_s  channels[CONFIG_PWM_NCHANNELS];
   /* Duty of the pulse train, "1"-to-"0" duration.
    * Maximum: 65535/65536 (0x0000ffff)
    * Minimum:     1/65536 (0x00000001)
   ub16_t             duty;
   /* Dead time value for main output */
   ub16_t             dead_time_a;
   /* Dead time value for complementary output */
   ub16_t             dead_time_b;
   /* The number of pulse to generate.  0 means to
    * generate an indefinite number of pulses
   uint32_t           count;
   /* Channel polarity */
   uint8_t            cpol;
   /* Disabled channel polarity */
   uint8_t            dcpol;
   /* User provided argument to be used in the lower half */
   FAR void           *arg;

Structure pwm_chan_s holds the representation of one PWM channel if multiple channels are used ( CONFIG_PWM_MULTICHAN is set).

struct pwm_chan_s
struct pwm_chan_s
   /* Duty of the pulse train, "1"-to-"0" duration.
    * Maximum: 65535/65536 (0x0000ffff)
    * Minimum:     1/65536 (0x00000001)
   ub16_t duty;
   /* Channel overwrite */
   bool ch_outp_ovrwr;
   /* Channel overwrite value */
   bool ch_outp_ovrwr_val;
   /* Dead time value for main output */
   ub16_t dead_time_a;
   /* Dead time value for complementary output */
   ub16_t dead_time_b;
   /* Channel polarity */
   uint8_t cpol;
   /* Disabled channel polarity */
   uint8_t dcpol;
   /* Channel number */
   int8_t channel;

Apart from duty cycle and frequency, the ioctl command allows to set many other PWM characteristics. These functionalities might not be supported by all PWM controllers and user should always refer to target documentation in this case.

If CONFIG_PWM_OVERWRITE is set and ch_outp_ovrwr is true, it is possible to overwrite channel output with value set in ch_outp_ovrwr_val. Configuration option CONFIG_PWM_DEADTIME and fields dead_time_a and dead_time_b provides an option to set dead time between complementary outputs. This instructs the driver to automatically insert output activation delay for complementary PWM outputs and is useful for H-bridge motor control for example.

User may also set default channel polarity cpol and disabled channel polarity dcpol. If set to zero, default controller values (or values determined in the configuration) are used. Following defines can be used to set the polarities:

/* Not defined, the default output state is arch dependant */
#define PWM_CPOL_NDEF             0
/* Logical zero */
#define PWM_CPOL_LOW              1
/* Logical one */
#define PWM_CPOL_HIGH             2

/* Not defined, the default output state is arch dependant */
#define PWM_DCPOL_NDEF            0
 /* Logical zero */
#define PWM_DCPOL_LOW             1
 /* Logical one  */
#define PWM_DCPOL_HIGH            2

Command PWMIOC_GETCHARACTERISTICS operates the same way as PWMIOC_SETCHARACTERISTICS but it obtains currently set values instead of setting them.


The PWMIOC_START command starts the pulsed output. Characteristics of PWM channels should be set before this operation.


The PWMIOC_STOPS command stops the pulsed output.


The PWMIOC_FAULTS_FETCH_AND_CLEAR command clears fault inputs. Some faults can be latched (remain active even if the source is not active anymore) and have to be cleared from the software. This provides an option to clear faults from the application and re-enable PWM output. It can be also used to fetch the current faults.

The call takes a pointer to unsigned long variable as an argument, a bitmask defining which faults are to be cleared. The driver clears these faults and fills the argument with the active faults prior to this clear. Having the argument variable equal to zero will result in no faults cleared but the user will get the currently active faults. If NULL is passed as an argument, then all currently set faults are cleared and fetch is not performed.

This may not be supported by all drivers.

Application Example

An example application can be found in nuttx-apps repository under the path examples/pwm.

nsh> pwm


This section describes common PWM configuration in Kconfig. The reader should refer to target documentation for target specific configuration.

PWM is enabled by CONFIG_PWM configuration option. Option CONFIG_PWM_MULTICHAN selects support for multiple channels for one PWM instance. If multiple channels are used, configuration option CONFIG_PWM_NCHANNELS defines the maximum number of channels per instance. Each timer/controller may support fewer output channels than this value.

Generation of pin overwrite is enabled by CONFIG_PWM_OVERWRITE option. This supports generation of a pin overwrite with 0 or 1 without the need to wait for an end of cycle.

The CONFIG_PWM_DEADTIME option brings the possibility to introduce dead time values between complementary PWM outputs.