A port to the LPCXpresso-LPC54628 was added in NuttX-7.24. Initial configurations include: A basic NSH configuration (nsh), a networking configuration (netnsh), and three graphics configurations (nxwm, fb, and lvgl).

LPC4508. The port was verified on an LPC5408 by a NuttX user with relevant changes incorporated in NuttX-7.26.

Driver Status.

  • NuttX-7.24 The initial release for the LPC54xx in NuttX included the following drivers: UARTs, SysTick, SD/MMC, DMA, GPIO, GPIO interrupts, LEDs and buttons, LCD, WWDT, RTC, RNG, Ethernet, and SPI. The SPI driver is untested and there are known issues with the SD/MMC driver, however.

  • NuttX-7.29 Configurations were added to verify the “Per-Window Framebuffer” feature also added in NuttX-7.29.

Refer to the LPCXpresso-LPC54628 board README file for more detailed information about this port.

Supported Boards