========= avr32dev1 ========= This is a port of NuttX to the Atmel AVR32DEV1 board and compatible with MCUZone UC3B-CPU board depicted here: .. figure:: mcuzone_uc3b-cpu.png :align: center This board is based on the Atmel AT32UC3B0256 MCU and uses a specially patched version of the GNU toolchain: The patches provide support for the AVR32 family. That patched GNU toolchain is available only from the Atmel website. STATUS: This port is functional but very basic. There are configurations for NSH and the OS test. Features ======== - AVR32 AT32UC3B0256 microcontroller - mini-USB Connector - Power LED (LED1) - MCU controllable LEDs: LED2 and LED3 - S1/RESET and S2 buttons (S2 accessible to user) - 12MHz (main clock) and 32KHz for RTC Serial Console ============== The board uses by default the USART1 as serial console. The pins PB2 (TXD) and PA24 (RXD) are used for USART1. This way you need to connect a USB/Serial adapter to get access to the NuttShell. Connect the TXD from your USB/Serial to the RXD of the board, and the RXD from USB/Serial to the TXD of the board. There is another detail about the baudrate, you need to use 57600 8n1.