Waveshare RP2040 Zero
The Waveshare RP2040 Zero is a general purpose board supplied by Waveshare.

RP2040 microcontroller chip
Dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ processor, flexible clock running up to 133 MHz
264kB of SRAM, and 2MB of on-board Flash memory
Castellated module allows soldering direct to carrier boards
USB 1.1 Host and Device support
Low-power sleep and dormant modes
Drag & drop programming using mass storage over USB
20 multi-function GPIO pins
2× SPI, 2× I2C, 2× UART, 3× 12-bit ADC, 16× controllable PWM channels
Accurate clock and timer on-chip
Temperature sensor
Accelerated floating point libraries on-chip
8 × Programmable IO (PIO) state machines for custom peripheral support
Serial Console
By default a serial console appears on pins 23 (TX GPIO0) and pin 22 (RX GPIO1). This console runs a 115200-8N1.
The board can be configured to use the USB connection as the serial console.
Buttons and LEDs
A ws2812 (NeoPixel) smart RGB LED controlled by GPIO16 (data).
There is a BOOT button which if held down when power is first applied or the RESET button is pressed will cause the RP2040 to boot into program mode and appear as a storage device to a USB connecter. Saving a .UF2 file to this device will replace the Flash ROM contents on the RP2040.
Pin Mapping
Pads numbered anticlockwise from USB connector.
Pad |
Signal |
Notes |
1 |
5V |
2 |
Ground |
3 |
3.3V |
4 |
GPIO29 |
5 |
GPIO28 |
6 |
GPIO27 |
7 |
GPIO26 |
8 |
GPIO15 |
9 |
GPIO14 |
10 |
GPIO13 |
11 |
GPIO12 |
12 |
GPIO11 |
Default TX for SPI1 |
13 |
GPIO10 |
Default SCK for SPI1 |
14 |
Default CSn for SPI1 |
15 |
Default RX for SPI1 |
16 |
Default SCL for I2C1 |
17 |
Default SDA for I2C1 |
18 |
Default SCL for I2C0 |
19 |
Default SDA for I2C0 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
Default RX for UART0 serial console |
23 |
Default TX for UART0 serial console |
Power Supply
The Waveshare RP2040 Zero can be powered via the USB connector, or by supplying +5V to pin 1.
The RP2040 runs on 3.3 volts. This is supplied by an onboard voltage regulator.
Supported Capabilities
NuttX supports the following RP2040 capabilities:
UART (console port)
GPIO 0 (UART0 TX) and GPIO 1 (UART0 RX) are used for the console.
SPI (master only)
USB device
MSC, CDC/ACM serial and these composite device are supported.
CDC/ACM serial device can be used for the console.
PIO (RP2040 Programmable I/O)
Flash ROM Boot
If Pico SDK is available, nuttx.uf2 file which can be used in BOOTSEL mode will be created.
Persistent flash filesystem in unused flash ROM
WiFi wireless communication
There is currently no direct user mode access to these RP2040 hardware features:
SPI Slave Mode
NuttX also provide support for these external devices:
BMP180 sensor at I2C0 (don’t forget to define I2C0 GPIOs at “I2C0 GPIO pin assign” in Board Selection menu)
INA219 sensor / module (don’t forget to define I2C0 GPIOs at “I2C0 GPIO pin assign” in Board Selection menu)
SHT4X sensor at I2C0
Pico Display Pack (ST7789 LCD)
RGB leds and buttons are not supported yet.
Pico Audio Pack (PCM5100A I2S DAC)
I2S interface is realized by PIO.
WS2812 smart pixel support
Download Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
$ git clone -b 2.0.0 https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk.git
Download and install picotool
Instructions can be found here: https://github.com/raspberrypi/picotool
If you are on Arch Linux, you can install the picotool through the AUR:
$ yay -S picotool
Set PICO_SDK_PATH environment variable
$ export PICO_SDK_PATH=<absolute_path_to_pico-sdk_directory>
Configure and build NuttX
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/nuttx.git nuttx
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/nuttx-apps.git apps
$ cd nuttx
$ make distclean
$ ./tools/configure.sh waveshare-rp2040-zero:nsh
$ make V=1
Connect Raspberry Pi Pico board to USB port while pressing BOOTSEL. The board will be detected as USB Mass Storage Device. Then copy “nuttx.uf2” into the device. (Same manner as the standard Pico SDK applications installation.)
To access the console, GPIO 0 and 1 pins must be connected to the device such as USB-serial converter.
usbnsh configuration provides the console access by USB CDC/ACM serial device. The console is available by using a terminal software on the USB host.
NuttShell configuration (console enabled in UART0, at 115200 bps) with GPIO examples.
Basic NuttShell configuration (console enabled in UART0, at 115200 bps).
Basic NuttShell configuration using CDC/ACM serial (console enabled in USB Port, at 115200 bps).
Basic NuttShell configuration with WS2812 driver and example enabled. Console is enabled over USB at 115200 bps.
License exceptions
The following files are originated from the files in Pico SDK. So, the files are licensed under 3-Clause BSD same as Pico SDK.
These are created by referring the Pico SDK clock initialization.
These provide the similar APIs to Pico SDK’s hardware_pio APIs.
These are generated from rp2040.svd originally provided in Pico SDK.