========== ST STM32L4 ========== Supported MCUs ============== This is a port of NuttX to the STM32L4 Family Used development boards are the Nucleo L476RG, Nucleo L496ZG, Nucleo L452RE, Nucleo L432KC, STM32L4VG Discovery and Motorola MDK. Most code is copied and adapted from the STM32 and STM32F7 ports. The various supported STM32L4 families are: ============ ======= ====== ================================ MCU Support Manual Note ============ ======= ====== ================================ STM32L471xx No RM0392 STM32L4X1 Yes RM0394 Subset of STM32L4_STM32L4X3 [1] STM32L4X2 Yes RM0394 Subset of STM32L4_STM32L4X3 [1] STM32L4X3 Yes RM0394 STM32L4X5 Yes RM0351 (was RM0395 in past) STM32L4X6 Yes RM0351 STM32L4XR Yes RM0432 (STM32L4+) ============ ======= ====== ================================ [1]: Please avoid depending on CONFIG_STM32L4_STM32L4X1 and CONFIG_STM32L4_STM32L4X2 as the MCUs are of the same subfamily as CONFIG_STM32L4_STM32L4X3. Peripheral Support ================== The following list indicates peripherals supported in NuttX: ========== ======= ============================== Peripheral Support Notes ========== ======= ============================== IRQs Yes GPIO Yes EXTI Yes HSI Yes HSE Yes PLL Yes Works @ 80 MHz MSI Yes LSE Yes RCC Yes SYSCTL Yes USART Yes DMA Yes SRAM2 Yes SPI Yes I2C Yes RTC Yes QSPI Yes CAN Yes OTGFS Yes Timers Yes PM Yes FSMC No AES No RNG Yes CRC No configurable polynomial WWDG No IWDG Yes SDMMC Yes ADC Yes DAC Yes DMA2D No ========== ======= ============================== ========== ======= ============================== Peripheral Support Notes ========== ======= ============================== FIREWALL Yes requires support from ldscript TSC No SWP No LPUART Yes LPTIM Yes OPAMP No COMP Yes DFSDM Yes LCD No SAIPLL Yes SAI Yes HASH No DCMI No ========== ======= ============================== New peripherals only in STM32L4+: ========== ======= ============================== Peripheral Support Notes ========== ======= ============================== DMAMUX1 Yes DSI No GFXMMU No LTDC No OCTOSPI No OCTOSPIIOM No ========== ======= ============================== Flashing and Debugging ====================== NuttX firmware Flashing with STLink probe and OpenOCD:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c 'program nuttx.bin 0x08000000; reset run; exit' Remote target Reset with STLink probe and OpenOCD:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c 'init; reset run; exit' Remote target Debug with STLink probe and OpenOCD: 1. You need to have NuttX built with debug symbols, see :ref:`debugging`. 2. Launch the OpenOCD GDB server:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32l4x.cfg -c 'init; reset halt' 3. You can now attach to remote OpenOCD GDB server with your favorite debugger, for instance gdb:: arm-none-eabi-gdb --tui nuttx -ex 'target extended-remote localhost:3333' (gdb) monitor reset halt (gdb) breakpoint nsh_main (gdb) continue Supported Boards ================ .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 boards/*/*