========== ST STM32F0 ========== Supported MCUs ============== The following list includes MCUs from STM32F0 series and indicates whether they are supported in NuttX ========= ======= ================ MCU Support Note ========= ======= ================ STM32F0x0 Yes Value line STM32F0x1 Yes Access line STM32F0x2 Yes USB line STM32F0x8 Yes Low-voltage line ========= ======= ================ Peripheral Support ================== The following list indicates peripherals supported in NuttX: ========== ======= ===== Peripheral Support Notes ========== ======= ===== FLASH No CRC No PM No RCC Yes CSR No GPIO Yes SYSCFG Yes DMA Yes EXTI Yes ADC Yes DAC No COMP No TSC No TIM Yes IRTIM No IWDG No WWDG No RTC No I2C Yes USART Yes SPI Yes I2S No CAN No USB Yes HDMI-CEC No ========== ======= ===== Flashing and Debugging ====================== NuttX firmware Flashing with STLink probe and OpenOCD:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f0x.cfg -c 'program nuttx.bin 0x08000000; reset run; exit' Remote target Reset with STLink probe and OpenOCD:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f0x.cfg -c 'init; reset run; exit' Remote target Debug with STLink probe and OpenOCD: 1. You need to have NuttX built with debug symbols, see :ref:`debugging`. 2. Launch the OpenOCD GDB server:: openocd -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32f0x.cfg -c 'init; reset halt' 3. You can now attach to remote OpenOCD GDB server with your favorite debugger, for instance gdb:: arm-none-eabi-gdb --tui nuttx -ex 'target extended-remote localhost:3333' (gdb) monitor reset halt (gdb) breakpoint nsh_main (gdb) continue Supported Boards ================ .. toctree:: :glob: :maxdepth: 1 boards/*/*