Nordic nRF9160 DK (nRF9160)

The `nRF9160-DK (PCA10090) <https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-hardware/nrf9160-dk>`_
is a development board based on the nRF9160 and nRF52840 from Nordic.

Serial Console

Serial console for the application core:

===== ============ =============
Pin   Signal       Notes
===== ============ =============
P0.28 APP UART0 TX virtual COM 0
P0.29 APP UART0 RX virtual COM 0
===== ============ =============

Serial console for the bootloader (secure domain):

===== ============ =============
Pin   Signal       Notes
===== ============ =============
P0.00 APP UART1 TX virtual COM 2
P0.01 APP UART1 RX virtual COM 2
===== ============ =============

LEDs and Buttons

The PCA10090 has 4 user-controllable LEDs:

====  =======
====  =======
LED1  P0.02
LED2  P0.03
LED3  P0.04
LED4  P0.05
====  =======

A low output illuminates the LED.


If CONFIG_ARCH_LEDS is not defined, then the LEDs are completely under
control of the application.  The following interfaces are then available
for application control of the LEDs::

  uint32_t board_userled_initialize(void);
  void board_userled(int led, bool ledon);
  void board_userled_all(uint32_t ledset);


=======  =======
=======  =======
BUTTON1  P0.06
BUTTON2  P0.07
=======  =======


Each configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as

  tools/configure.sh nrf9160-dk:<subdir>

Where <subdir> is one of the following:


Basic NuttShell configuration (console enabled in UART0, exposed via J-Link VCOM connection,
at 115200 bps).


This is a NSH configuration that includes ``apps/testing/ostest`` as a builtin and
enable support for the tick-less OS.


This configuration is a simple bootloader that allows you to enter
a TZ non-secure environment.


This configuration includes modem firmware and MUST BE run in non-secure
environment. Booting into a non-secure environment can be done using
the miniboot_s configuration.

To get this configuration working with miniboot bootloader follow these steps:

#. build firmware for miniboot and modem configuration::

     cmake -B build_boot -DBOARD_CONFIG=nrf9160-dk:miniboot_s -GNinja
     cmake -B build_modem -DBOARD_CONFIG=nrf9160-dk:modem_ns -GNinja
     cmake --build build_boot
     cmake --build build_modem

#. flash bootloader::

     nrfjprog --program build_boot/nuttx.hex --chiperase --verify

#. flash modem image::

     nrfjprog --program build_modem/nuttx.hex

#. reset chip::

     nrfjprog --reset