=========== nRF52840-DK =========== The `NRF52840-DK (PCA10056) `_ is a development board for the nRF52840 SoC from Nordic. Serial Console ============== The PCA10056 default console is the UART0. The PCA10056 does not have RS-232 drivers or serial connectors on board. UART0 is connected to the virtual COM port: ======== ===== Signal PIN ======== ===== UART0-RX P0.08 UART0-TX P0.06 ======== ===== LEDs and Buttons ================ LEDs ---- The PCA10056 has 4 user-controllable LEDs: ==== ======= LED MCU ==== ======= LED1 P0.13 LED2 P0.14 LED3 P0.15 LED4 P0.26 ==== ======= A low output illuminates the LED. Pushbuttons ----------- ======= ======= BUTTON MCU ======= ======= BUTTON1 P0.11 BUTTON2 P0.12 BUTTON3 P0.24 BUTTON4 P0.25 ======= ======= Configurations ============== Each configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow:: tools/configure.sh nrf52840-dk: Where is one of the following: jumbo ----- This configuration enables many Apache NuttX features. This is mostly to help provide additional code coverage in CI, but also allows for a users to see a wide range of features that are supported by the OS. cdcacm ------- NuttShell configuration with support for CDC/ACM USB device driver. composite --------- NuttShell configuration with support for CDC/ACM with RNDIS composite driver. highpri ------- This application demonstrates high priority interrupt feature of the NuttX. nsh ---- Basic NuttShell configuration (console enabled in UART0, exposed via J-Link VCOM connection, at 115200 bps). ostest_tickless --------------- This is a NSH configuration that includes ``apps/testing/ostest`` as a builtin and enable support for the tick-less OS. rndis ----- NuttShell configuration with support for RNDIS USB device driver. sdc --- Enables Nordic's SoftDevice controller and uses NuttX BLE stack for the host-layer. The ``btsak`` application is included as a builtin. sdc_nimble ---------- Enables Nordic's SoftDevice controller and uses nimBLE for the host-layer. The ``nimble`` test application can be used to enable a simple GATT server. sx127x ------ NuttShell configuration with support for sx127x chip. usbnsh ------ Basic NuttShell configuration (CDCACM console enabled in USB Port, at 115200 bps). ieee802154_6lowpan ------------------ Cheat Sheet. Here is a concise summary of all all the steps needed to run the UDP test (C=Coordinator; E=Endpoint):: C: nsh> i8 wpan0 startpan cd:ab C: nsh> i8 set saddr 0A:00 C: nsh> i8 set ep_saddr 0B:00 C: nsh> i8 acceptassoc E: nsh> i8 wpan0 assoc C: nsh> ifup wpan0 C: nsh> ifconfig <-- To get the E: nsh> ifup wpan0 C: nsh> udpserver & E: nsh> udpclient &