.. todo:: Applications included in ``apps`` repo should be documented here. This should also include information on how to create a given application. Applications ============ NuttX ships a large number of applications covering a wide spectrum of functionality. These can be found in the `apps <https://github.com/apache/nuttx-apps>`_ repository. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: audioutils/index.rst boot/index.rst benchmarks/index.rst canutils/index.rst crypto/index.rst fsutils/index.rst games/index.rst graphics/index.rst industry/index.rst inertial/index.rst interpreters/index.rst logging/index.rst lte/index.rst math/index.rst mlearing/index.rst netutils/index.rst nsh/index.rst sdr/index.rst system/index.rst testing/index.rst tools/index.rst wireless/index.rst examples/index.rst