It is possible to run NuttX in a simulator called sim
, but some features
currently are supported only on Linux host (i.e.: Bluetooth, I2C, SPI, etc).
Using sim
you can test many of NuttX features without a supported board.
Examples of supported features: Audio, Bluetooth, ELF, I2C, SPI, LVGL, Flash
File System, NX Serves, NX Demos, NX Window Manager, ROMFS, Network: TCP,
UDP, IP,6LoWPAN, and many more.
All you need is your machine gcc
All you need to do is select your desired board profile configuration (see: nuttx/sim/sim/sim/configs for the listing)
$ make distclean
$ ./tools/ sim:nsh
$ make
When the compilation finishes it will create a nuttx
binary, then run it:
$ ./nuttx
login: admin
password: Administrator
User Logged-in!
NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.1.0
MOTD: username=admin password=Administrator
nsh> ?
help usage: help [-v] [<cmd>]
. cd echo hexdump mkfatfs pwd source unset
[ cp exec kill mkrd readlink test usleep
? cmp exit losetup mount rm time xd
basename dirname false ln mv rmdir true
break dd free ls poweroff set uname
cat df help mkdir ps sleep umount
Builtin Apps:
sh hello nsh
nsh> uname -a
NuttX 10.1.0 508215581f Sep 3 2021 10:47:34 sim sim
Running LVGL
It is possible to run the LVGL Demo directly in the NuttX simulator
$ make distclean
$ ./tools/ sim:lvgl_fb
$ make -j
$ ./nuttx
You should see a window with the touch calibration and then the LVGL demo:

LVGL Demo running in the NuttX’s simulator
Running VNC Server
NuttX supports a VNC server, so it means even boards without a LCD display could export a display interface over network. Also you can test it on NuttX simulator before getting it working on your board, just follow these steps
$ make distclean
$ ./tools/ sim:vncserver
$ make -j
$ ./nuttx
Open a new terminal and execute
$ remmina -c vnc://localhost
You should see some squares in different colors displayed in remmina:

remmina connected to sim’s VNC Server