=============== weact-stm32h743 =============== This page discusses issues unique to NuttX configurations for the WeAct STM32H743 board. .. figure:: weact-stm32h743.png :align: center Board information ================= This board was release by WeAct Studio in 2020 and developed based on STM32H743VI microcontroller. The board features: - USB-C power supply - SWD connector - Crystal for HS 25MHz - Crystal for RTC 32.768KHz - 1 user LED - 1 MicroSD connector supporting 1 or 4-bit bus - 1 USB 2.0 Host/Device - 2 SPI Flash - 1 OLED display - 1 Camera Board documentation: https://github.com/WeActStudio/MiniSTM32H7xx BOARD-LED ========= The WeAct STM32H743 has 1 software controllable LED. ==== ===== LED PINS ==== ===== E3 PE3 ==== ===== UART/USART ========== The WeAct STM32H743 used the USART1 for serial debug messages. USART1 ------ ====== ===== USART1 PINS ====== ===== TX PB14 RX PB15 ====== ===== ============== Each weact-stm32h743 configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow:: tools/configure.sh weact-stm32h743: Where is one of the following: Configuration Directories ------------------------- nsh --- Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at apps/examples/nsh. This configuration enables a serial console on UART1.