================= linum-stm32h753bi ================= This page discusses issues unique to NuttX configurations for the LINUM-STM32H753BI board. .. figure:: linum-stm32h753bi-top.jpg :align: center .. figure:: linum-stm32h753bi-bottom.jpg :align: center Board information ================= This board was release by Witte Tenology in 2023 and developed based on STM32H753BI microcontroller. The board has 2 expansion connectors used by the LCD display with touchscreen and another for access to other peripherals of microcontroller. The board features: - 8 to 52V power supply - SWD Pins for use as STLink (Pin header) and TC2030-IDC 6-Pin Tag-Connect Plug-of-Nails™ Connector - Crystal for HS 25MHz - Crystal for RTC 32.768KHz - 1 UART serial for debug - 1 Led RGB - 1 Buzzer without internal oscillator - 1 Mono audio up to 3W - 1 Ethernet 10/100 - 1 MicroSD connector supporting 1 or 4-bit bus - 1 USB 2.0 Host/Device - 1 EEPROM memory with 512K bits - 1 External SRAM memory with 8MB - 1 NOR memory with 16MB - 2 On-board RS232 Transceiver with RTS/CTS - 2 On-board RS485 Transceiver - 2 On-board CAN-FD Transceiver Expansion connector 1 features: - 1 Display RBG 888 - 1 Capacitive Touchscreen sensor Expansion connector 2 features. - 1 SPI - 1 I2C - 1 One Wire - 2 DACs - 6 PWM Channels - 10 ADCs LEDs ==== The LINUM-STM32H753BI has 3 software controllable LEDs. ======= ===== LED RGB PINS ======= ===== LED_R PG2 LED_G PG3 LED_B PB2 ======= ===== UART/USART ========== The LINUM-STM32H753BI used the USART1 for serial debug messages. USART1 ------ ====== ===== USART1 PINS ====== ===== TX PB14 RX PB15 ====== ===== The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board RS-232 transceiver connected to USART2 and USART3. ====== ===== USART2 PINS ====== ===== TXD PD5 RXD PD6 CTS PD3 RTS PD4 ====== ===== ====== ===== USART3 PINS ====== ===== TXD PB10 RXD PB11 CTS PD11 RTS PD12 ====== ===== The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board RS-485 transceiver connected to USART4 and USART6. ====== ===== UART4 PINS ====== ===== TXD PB9 RXD PB8 DE PA15 ====== ===== ====== ===== USART6 PINS ====== ===== TXD PC6 RXD PC7 DE PG12 ====== ===== SDCARD ====== The LINUM-STM32H753BI has one SDCard slot connected as below: ========== ===== SDMMC1 PINS ========== ===== SDMMC_D0 PC8 SDMMC_D1 PC9 SDMMC_D2 PC10 SDMMC_D3 PC11 SDMMC_DK PC12 ========== ===== =============== ===== GPIO PINS =============== ===== SDCARD_DETECTED PG7 =============== ===== ETHERNET ======== The LINUM-STM32H753BI has a ethernet connection using the transceiver KSZ8081RNACA. ============ ===== ETH PINS ============ ===== ETH_REF_CLK PA1 ETH_MDIO PA2 ETH_CRS_DV PA7 ETH_MDC PC1 ETH_RXD0 PC4 ETH_RXD1 PC5 ETH_TX_EN PG11 ETH_TXD0 PG13 ETH_TXD1 PG14 ETH_CLK PA8 ETH_RESET PI4 ============ ===== CAN-FD ======== The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has two on-board CAN-FD transceiver connected to FDCAN1 and FDCAN2. ====== ===== FDCAN1 PINS ====== ===== TXD PH13 RXD PH14 STD PI2 ====== ===== ====== ===== FDCAN2 PINS ====== ===== TXD PB13 RXD PB12 STD PE3 ====== ===== USB ============ The LINUM-STM32H753BI has one usb port. ======= ===== USB PINS ======= ===== USB_N PA11 USB_P PA12 USB_EN PI12 USB_FLT PI13 ======= ===== QUADSPI ============== The LINUM-STM32H753BI board has one NOR memory connected to QUADSPI. The NOR memory used is the W25Q128JV with 16MB ======= ===== QUADSPI PINS ======= ===== IO0 PF8 IO1 PF9 IO2 PF7 IO3 PF6 CLK PF10 NCS PG6 ======= ===== I2C3 ============ The LINUM-STM32H753BI connects the EEPROM memory and the touchscreen sensor to I2C3. ====== ===== I2C3 PINS ====== ===== SCL PH7 SDA PH8 ====== ===== EEPROM MEMORY -------------- EEPROM memory used is the 24LC256 with 256Kb. TOUCHSCREEN SENSOR ------------------ The touchscreen sensor used is the GT928. ======== ===== GPIO PINS ======== ===== TS_RESET PI7 TS_ISR PH9 ======== ===== I2C4 ======= The I2C4 is available for general use on the expansion connector. ====== ===== I2C4 PINS ====== ===== SCL PH11 SDA PH12 ====== ===== External SDRAM ============== The LINUM-STM32H753BI has a external SDRAM with 16Mbits connected to FMC peripheral. =========== ===== FMC PINS =========== ===== FMC_A0 PF0 FMC_A1 PF1 FMC_A2 PF2 FMC_A3 PF3 FMC_A4 PF4 FMC_A5 PF5 FMC_A6 PF12 FMC_A7 PF13 FMC_A8 PF14 FMC_A9 PF15 FMC_A10 PG0 FMC_A11 PG1 FMC_BA0 PG4 FMC_BA1 PG5 FMC_D0 PD14 FMC_D1 PD15 FMC_D2 PD0 FMC_D3 PD1 FMC_D4 PE7 FMC_D5 PE8 FMC_D6 PE9 FMC_D7 PE10 FMC_D8 PE11 FMC_D9 PE12 FMC_D10 PE13 FMC_D11 PE14 FMC_D12 PE15 FMC_D13 PD8 FMC_D14 PD9 FMC_D15 PD10 FMC_NBL0 PE0 FMC_NBL1 PE1 FMC_SDCKE0 PC3 FMC_SDCLK PG8 FMC_SDNCAS PG15 FMC_SDNEO PC2 FMC_SDNRAS PF11 FMC_SDNWE PC0 =========== ===== LCD ======= The LINUM-STM32H753BI use the LTDC to support one LCD with RGB connection. =========== ===== LTDC PINS =========== ===== LTDC_B0 PF0 LTDC_B1 PJ13 LTDC_B2 PJ14 LTDC_B3 PJ15 LTDC_B4 PK3 LTDC_B5 PK4 LTDC_B6 PK5 LTDC_B7 PK6 LTDC_CLK PI14 LTDC_DE PK7 LTDC_G0 PJ7 LTDC_G1 PJ8 LTDC_G2 PJ9 LTDC_G3 PJ10 LTDC_G4 PJ11 LTDC_G5 PK0 LTDC_G6 PK1 LTDC_G7 PK2 LTDC_HSYNC PI10 LTDC_R0 PI15 LTDC_R1 PJ0 LTDC_R2 PJ1 LTDC_R3 PJ2 LTDC_R4 PJ3 LTDC_R5 PJ4 LTDC_R6 PJ5 LTDC_R7 PJ6 LTDC_VSYNC PI9 =========== ===== ============= ===== PWM PINS ============= ===== PWM_BACKLIGHT PH6 ============= ===== I2S ======= The LINUM-STM32H753BI has one I2S output. ======== ===== I2S2 PINS ======== ===== I2S2_WS PI0 I2S2_CK PI1 I2S2_SDO PI3 ======== ===== BUZZER ======= The LINUM-STM32H753BI has a buzzer without internal oscillator ======= ===== GPIO PINS ======= ===== BUZZER PC13 ======= ===== ============== Each linum-stm32h753bi configuration is maintained in a sub-directory and can be selected as follow:: tools/configure.sh linum-stm32h753bi: Where is one of the following: Configuration Directories ------------------------- nsh --- Configures the NuttShell (nsh) located at apps/examples/nsh. This configuration enables a serial console on UART1. modbus_slave ------------ Configures the ModBus RTU Slave located at apps/examples/modbus. This configuration enables a RS485 on USART6. After configuring the desired pins on menuconfig and wiring the RS485 converter, you can enable the ModBus to respond to queries:: nsh> modbus -e In your pc you will be able to read the ModBus registers using an application like ``mbpoll``:: $ mbpoll -a 10 -b 38400 -t 3 -r 1000 -c 4 /dev/ttyUSB1 -R