========================= Atmega MEGA1284P-XPLAINED ========================= The `MEGA1284P-XPLAINED <https://www.microchip.com/en-us/development-tool/ATMEGA1284P-XPLD>`_ is a development board for the Atmega1284P from Microchip/Atmel. .. figure:: board.jpg :align: center Microchip/Atmega MEGA1284P-XPLAINED Features ======== - Atmega1284P MCU, 128K FLASH, 16K SRAM - 11.0592 MHz crystal - 32768 Hz crystal - Embedded AVR911 compatible programmer - Reset button - 4 user buttons (3 switch and 1 touch button) - 4 LEDs indicator (connected to PWM pins) - Light sensor - NTC sensor - Not populated external SPI Flash with labels: AT45DB and AT25DF - Power indicator LED Pin Mapping =========== ===== ========== ========== Pin Signal Notes ===== ========== ========== P0.24 Blue LED Active LOW P0.23 Red LED Active LOW P0.22 Green LED Active LOW P0.20 UART TX P0.19 UART RX ===== ========== ========== Configurations ============== nsh --- Basic NuttShell configuration (console enabled in USART0, pins PD0 (RXD0) and PD1 (TXD0), at 115200 bps). Flash & Debug ============= You can flash the board using avrdure. First press and hold SW0 button, then press and release RESET button, after 1 second release the SW0 button. Now run the command:: $ avrdude -p atmega1284p -c avr910 -P /dev/ttyACM0 -b57600 -F -u -U flash:w:nuttx.hex:i