Work Queues

Work Queues. NuttX provides work queues. Work queues are threads that service a queue of work items to be performed. They are useful for off-loading work to a different threading context, for delayed processing, or for serializing activities.

Classes of Work Queues

There are three different classes of work queues, each with different properties and intended usage. These class of work queues along with the common work queue interface are described in the following paragraphs.

High Priority Kernel Work queue

The dedicated high-priority work queue is intended to handle delayed processing from interrupt handlers. This work queue is required for some drivers but, if there are no complaints, can be safely disabled. The high priority worker thread also performs garbage collection – completing any delayed memory deallocations from interrupt handlers. If the high-priority worker thread is disabled, then that clean up will be performed either by (1) the low-priority worker thread, if enabled, and if not (2) the IDLE thread instead (which runs at the lowest of priority and may not be appropriate if memory reclamation is of high priority)

Device Driver Bottom Half. The high-priority worker thread is intended to serve as the bottom half for device drivers. As a consequence it must run at a very high, fixed priority rivalling the priority of the interrupt handler itself. Typically, the high priority work queue should be the highest priority thread in your system (the default priority is 224).

Thread Pool. The work queues can be configured to support multiple, low-priority threads. This is essentially a thread pool that provides multi-threaded servicing of the queue work. This breaks the strict serialization of the “queue” (and hence, the work queue is no longer a queue at all).

Multiple worker threads are required to support, for example, I/O operations that stall waiting for input. If there is only a single thread, then the entire work queue processing would stall in such cases. Such behavior is necessary to support asynchronous I/O, AIO, for example.

Compared to the Low Priority Kernel Work Queue. For less critical, lower priority, application oriented worker thread support, consider enabling the lower priority work queue. The lower priority work queue runs at a lower priority, of course, but has the added advantage that it supports priority inheritance (if CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE=y is also selected): The priority of the lower priority worker thread can then be adjusted to match the highest priority client.

Configuration Options.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_HPWORK. Enables the hight priority work queue.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_HPNTHREADS. The number of threads in the high-priority queue’s thread pool. Default: 1

  • CONFIG_SCHED_HPWORKPRIORITY. The execution priority of the high-priority worker thread. Default: 224

  • CONFIG_SCHED_HPWORKSTACKSIZE. The stack size allocated for the worker thread in bytes. Default: 2048.

Common Configuration Options. These options apply to all work queues:

  • CONFIG_SIG_SIGWORK The signal number that will be used to wake-up the worker thread. This same signal is used with the Default: 17

Low Priority Kernel Work Queue

This lower priority work queue is better suited for more extended, application oriented processing such as file system clean-up, memory garbage collection and asynchronous I/O operations.

Compared to the High Priority Work Queue. The lower priority work queue runs at a lower priority than the high priority work queue, of course, and so is inappropriate to serve as a driver bottom half. It is, otherwise, very similar to the high priority work queue and most of the discussion above for the high priority work queue applies equally here. The lower priority work queue does have one important, however, that make it better suited for some tasks:

Priority Inheritance. The lower priority worker thread(s) support priority inheritance (if <config> CONFIG_PRIORITY_INHERITANCE is also selected): The priority of the lower priority worker thread can then be adjusted to match the highest priority client.

NOTE: This priority inheritance feature is not automatic. The lower priority worker thread will always a fixed priority unless additional logic implements that calls lpwork_boostpriority() to raise the priority of the lower priority worker thread (typically called before scheduling the work) and then calls the matching lpwork_restorepriority() when the work is completed (typically called within the work handler at the completion of the work). Currently, only the NuttX asynchronous I/O logic uses this dynamic prioritization feature.

The higher priority worker thread, on the other hand, is intended to serve as the bottom half for device drivers. As a consequence must run at a very high, fixed priority. Typically, it should be the highest priority thread in your system.

Configuration Options.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORK. If CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORK is selected then a lower-priority work queue will be enabled.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_LPNTHREADS. The number of threads in the low-priority queue’s thread pool. Default: 1

  • CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKPRIORITY. The minimum execution priority of the lower priority worker thread. The priority of the all worker threads start at this priority. If priority inheritance is in effect, the priority may be boosted from this level. Default: 50.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKPRIOMAX. The maximum execution priority of the lower priority worker thread. Lower priority worker threads will be started at CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKPRIORITY but their priority may be boosted due to priority inheritance. The boosted priority of the low priority worker thread will not, however, ever exceed CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKPRIOMAX. This limit would be necessary, for example, if the higher priority worker thread were to defer work to the lower priority thread. Clearly, in such a case, you would want to limit the maximum priority of the lower priority work thread. Default: 176.

  • CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORKSTACKSIZE. The stack size allocated for the lower priority worker thread. Default: 2048.

User-Mode Work Queue

Work Queue Accessibility. The high- and low-priority worker threads are kernel-mode threads. In the normal, flat NuttX build, these work queues are are useful to application code and may be shared. However, in the NuttX protected and kernel build modes, kernel mode code is isolated and cannot be accessed from user-mode code.

User-Mode Work Queue. if either CONFIG_BUILD_PROTECTED or CONFIG_BUILD_KERNEL are selected, then the option to enable a special user-mode work queue is enable. The interface to the user-mode work queue is identical to the interface to the kernel-mode work queues and the user-mode work queue is functionally equivalent to the high priority work queue. It differs in that its implementation does not depend on internal, kernel-space facilities.

Configuration Options.

  • CONFIG_LIB_USRWORK. If CONFIG_LIB_USRWORK is also defined then the user-mode work queue will be enabled.

  • CONFIG_LIB_USRWORKPRIORITY. The execution priority of the user-mode priority worker thread. Default: 100

  • CONFIG_LIB_USRWORKSTACKSIZE. The stack size allocated for the lower priority worker thread. Default: 2048.

Common Work Queue Interfaces

Work Queue IDs

Work queue IDs. All work queues use the identical interface functions (at least identical in terms of the function signature). The first parameter passed to the work queue interface function identifies the work queue:

Kernel-Mode Work Queue IDs:

  • HPWORK. This ID of the high priority work queue that should only be used for hi-priority, time-critical, driver bottom-half functions.

  • LPWORK. This is the ID of the low priority work queue that can be used for any purpose. if CONFIG_SCHED_LPWORK is not defined, then there is only one kernel work queue and LPWORK is equal to HPWORK.

User-Mode Work Queue IDs:

  • USRWORK. This is the ID of the user-mode work queue that can be used for any purpose by applications. In a flat build, LPWORK is equal to LPWORK so that user applications will use the lower priority work queue (if there is one).

Work Queue Interface Types

  • typedef void (*worker_t)(FAR void *arg); Defines the type of the work callback.

  • struct work_s. Defines one entry in the work queue. This is a client-allocated structure. Work queue clients should not reference any field in this structure since they are subject to change. The user only needs this structure in order to declare instances of the work structure. Handling of all fields is performed by the work queue interfaces described below.

Work Queue Interfaces

int work_queue(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work, worker_t worker, FAR void *arg, uint32_t delay)

Queue work to be performed at a later time. All queued work will be performed on the worker thread of execution (not the caller’s).

The work structure is allocated and must be initialized to all zero by the caller. Otherwise, the work structure is completely managed by the work queue logic. The caller should never modify the contents of the work queue structure directly. If work_queue() is called before the previous work as been performed and removed from the queue, then any pending work will be canceled and lost.

  • qid – The work queue ID.

  • work – The work structure to queue

  • worker – The worker callback to be invoked. The callback will invoked on the worker thread of execution.

  • arg – The argument that will be passed to the worker callback function when it is invoked.

  • delay – Delay (in system clock ticks) from the time queue until the worker is invoked. Zero means to perform the work immediately.


Zero is returned on success; a negated errno is returned on failure.

int work_cancel(int qid, FAR struct work_s *work)

Cancel previously queued work. This removes work from the work queue. After work has been cancelled, it may be re-queue by calling work_queue() again.

  • qid – The work queue ID.

  • work – The previously queue work structure to cancel.


Zero is returned on success; a negated errno is returned on failure.

  • ENOENT: There is no such work queued.

  • EINVAL: An invalid work queue was specified.

int work_signal(int qid)

Signal the worker thread to process the work queue now. This function is used internally by the work logic but could also be used by the user to force an immediate re-assessment of pending work.

  • qid – The work queue ID.


Zero is returned on success; a negated errno is returned on failure.

bool work_available(FAR struct work_s *work)

Check if the work structure is available.

  • work – The work queue structure to check.


true if available; false if busy (i.e., there is still pending work).

int work_usrstart(void)

The function is only available as a user interface in the kernel-mode build. In the flat build, there is no user-mode work queue; in the protected mode, the user-mode work queue will automatically be started by the OS start-up code. But in the kernel mode, each user process will be required to start is own, private instance of the user-mode work thread using this interface.


The task ID of the worker thread is returned on success. A negated errno value is returned on failure.

void lpwork_boostpriority(uint8_t reqprio)

Called by the work queue client to assure that the priority of the low-priority worker thread is at least at the requested level, reqprio. This function would normally be called just before calling work_queue().

  • reqprio – Requested minimum worker thread priority.

void lpwork_restorepriority(uint8_t reqprio)

This function is called to restore the priority after it was previously boosted. This is often done by client logic on the worker thread when the scheduled work completes. It will check if we need to drop the priority of the worker thread.

  • reqprio – Previously requested minimum worker thread priority to be “unboosted”.